Petr Zahradník

Každá událost si zaslouží adekvátní marketingovou pozornost. Mám pevný názor, že pokud se pustíte do něčeho tak velkého, je důležité, aby se o tom dozvědělo co nejvíce lidí. Komunikace hraje klíčovou roli v tom, jakým směrem se vaše událost ubírá. To proto, že akci tvoří nejenom drobnosti, ale také komunita a lidé, kteří se na ní podílej
Friday 14th Feb
Marketing Matters!
How you transform your business as technology, consumer, habits industry dynamics change? Find out from those leading the charge. How you transform
Friday 14th Feb
Reinventing Experiences
How you transform your business as technology, consumer, habits industry dynamics change? Find out from those leading the charge. How you transform
Friday 14th Feb
Cultures of Creativity
How you transform your business as technology, consumer, habits industry dynamics change? Find out from those leading the charge. How you transform
Friday 14th Feb
Human Centered Design
How you transform your business as technology, consumer, habits industry dynamics change? Find out from those leading the charge. How you transform
Friday 14th Feb
A frontier for designers
How you transform your business as technology, consumer, habits industry dynamics change? Find out from those leading the charge. How you transform
Saturday 15th Feb
Marketing Matters!
How you transform your business as technology, consumer, habits industry dynamics change? Find out from those leading the charge. How you transform
Saturday 15th Feb
Reinventing Experiences
How you transform your business as technology, consumer, habits industry dynamics change? Find out from those leading the charge. How you transform
Saturday 15th Feb
Cultures of Creativity
How you transform your business as technology, consumer, habits industry dynamics change? Find out from those leading the charge. How you transform
Saturday 15th Feb
Human Centered Design
How you transform your business as technology, consumer, habits industry dynamics change? Find out from those leading the charge. How you transform
Sunday 16th Feb
Marketing Matters!
How you transform your business as technology, consumer, habits industry dynamics change? Find out from those leading the charge. How you transform
Sunday 16th Feb
Reinventing Experiences
How you transform your business as technology, consumer, habits industry dynamics change? Find out from those leading the charge. How you transform
Sunday 16th Feb
Human Centered Design
How you transform your business as technology, consumer, habits industry dynamics change? Find out from those leading the charge. How you transform